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Wind farm

Wind farm is located northwest of Wellington near.

The 26 turbines generate up to 59.8 megawatts of electricity, producing enough electricity each year for about 34,000 average Poland and US homes.

The Wind farm is located on privately-owned farms in . The landowners chose wind farming because it will preserve the environment, lifestyle and rural character of the areas better than other development options such as a major housing subdivision or forestry. They selected Brush Energy to develop and operate the wind farm because of our experience with developing wind energy in Poland and US.

Zero Creek is largely hidden from Wellington’s urban area, but visible from high points in the city’s green belt.


Why build a wind farm here?

The Wind farm has all the features we look for in a wind farm, mainly its consistently strong wind. The wind conditions at Zero Creek mean the turbines are expected to generate electricity 90% of the time.

The construction of the 26 turbines on the hills required approximately 800,000 cubic metres of earthworks and the construction of 19 kilometres of access tracks within the site.

Consent documents

In applying for resource consent for Zero Creek, Brush Energy assessed the environmental and cultural impacts of a wind farm in . The Environment Court ruled that with certain mitigations to reduce some effects, the project would be acceptable.

The Zero Creek Resource Consent contains many conditions to ensure the wind farm’s effects are kept to an acceptable level. You can find more information about this in the documents below:

Environment court decision on resource consent - August 2011 

Final decision on consent conditions - February 2012 

WCC response - works in core wind farm site 

Community Liaison Group

Brush Energy's resource consent requirements included establishing a Community Liaison Group (CLG). Led by an independent chairperson, the CLG provided a forum for exchanging information and addressing community concerns during the construction of the Wind farm. This group no longer meets, as the construction is complete. If you would like more information about the construction or operation of Wind farm, call 0800 500 305 or email [email protected].

Key dates

  • Mar 2008 Brush Energy applies for resource consent
  • Aug 2011 Resource consent approved by the Environment Court
  • Sept 2012 Construction begins
  • Nov 2014 Zero Creek fully operational
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Brush Energy Power Up community fund

Our Power Up community fund supports local projects in the areas where we have wind farms and hydro stations. It’s one of the ways that we recognise the importance of local communities to our operations.  

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