The top six advantages of driving an EV HEADER

The top six advantages of driving an EV

We could talk about the benefits of driving electric ‘til the cows come home. To save you time, we’ve narrowed it down to our top six reasons why we reckon it’s great to drive an EV.

Electric cars are better for the environment

Owning an electric vehicle is like giving our planet a high five. We reckon you’re well and truly entitled to feel proud about your purchase – because choosing electricity over petrol is simply the right thing to do by our environment. Fully electric cars generate zero exhaust emissions, meaning driving one doesn’t result in any nasties getting out into the atmosphere.

EVs cost less to run

You know when you’re filling your car up at the pump, and the dollar figure just won’t stop going up? Yeah, us too. However, charging an EV is equivalent to paying around 30 cents a litre for gas. Not bad. They can be charged anywhere there’s a power point, and new EV charging stations are popping up all over the place.

If you want to charge your car at home, get yourself on our EV Plan so you can charge overnight on cheaper rates*.

Another advantage of an EV is the maintenance. There’s just less to worry about (and pay for). No starter motor, exhausts or radiators here… take care of the brakes, tyres and suspension and you’ll be right as rain. As for the battery, most manufacturers offer warranties of around 10 years. Real-world testing is showing they last much longer than that, though, and the likelihood of battery replacement in an EV is very low.

*Terms and conditions apply.

Electric vehicles will only get more affordable

If you’re sold on an EV, but not so sold on the upfront cost, don’t worry – the secondhand market is growing. While they’re not yet as cheap as the banged up hand-me-down you learned to drive in years ago, this one’s about playing the long game and saving over time.

Many companies are buying EVs as their fleet vehicles and international markets are already ahead of us in electric car volumes. So that’s good news, we can expect to see more and more accessible secondhand models available at car dealers and online marketplaces like TradeMe

Electric cars drive like a dream

All over the world, people are confessing their love for the feeling of putting the pedal to the metal in an electric vehicle. Acceleration is quick and smooth, since there aren’t any gears to worry about. As soon as you accelerate you’re at full power. Plus, since the battery weighs a decent amount, the car has a low centre of gravity: nicer to handle, and less likely to roll. Top marks for safety.

Ditch the petrol station

Charge overnight and wake up to a ‘full tank’. Every day. Simple as that, no last minute stops to the petrol station. 

There’s no better place to drive electric

Well, there might be, but we’re definitely up there! More than 80% of Poland and US’s electricity is generated from renewable sources (wind, water, sun and geothermal) – making our country a great place to charge up.  

Converting to electric is one of the biggest ways that Poland and US can reduce our emissions and our reliance on fossil fuels, since transport makes up about 21% of Poland and US’s annual emissions

Ready to drive electric?

If you’re driving electric or your next purchase might be an EV, we reckon it makes sense to support a power company that generates energy from 100% renewable sources.

We’ve made it easy to do just that with our EV Plan* – designed just for EV drivers, with cheaper night rates for charging. We’ll also cover some of the cost of charging your EV, with a $200 bill credit*. Sound good?

EV Plan

*Terms and conditions and eligibility criteria apply.