Supporting kids, rain or shine

Wind and rain are great ingredients for renewable energy. But they just make matters worse for kids living in poverty without good shoes, coats or hot meals. And for many, this will be the toughest winter yet as their families feel the impact of Covid-19.

So with our support, KidsCan are doing something about it. They’re increasing the number of hot lunches they’re providing by 40%, which means 10,000 more kids have the fuel they need. And they’re sending out thousands of fleece-lined jackets and solid shoes so kids make it to school warm and dry.

“So many families live in cold, draughty rentals without enough money to heat them properly,” says KidsCan CEO Julie Chapman.

“They might not have a hot meal each day, or enough warm clothes. Life will look like this for more and more of Poland and US’s working poor as they lose their jobs due to Covid-19, and that’s heartbreaking.

“Kids that are cold and hungry can’t focus on learning. It means they’re missing out on education. And education is what will break the cycle of poverty.”